San Francisco Department of Health Endorses Serosorting

13 February 2007 | 4 Comments

At long last, there is official recognition of serosorting as a way to stay neg – the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SF DPH) has launched a “Disclose HIV” campaign that encourages guys to know their status, talk about status with their sex partners, and stick to guys who have the same HIV status as they do. (read the full story in the Bay Area Reporter)

If you’ve been reading my blog for long you’ll know that this is exactly my approach to HIV prevention, so it’s nice to have some official validation.

Unbelievably, there are poz guys who don’t like the campaign…

As an HIV+ man I find it hard enough to get a date, whether it’s with someone who is poz or negative. The public still discriminates against those of us who are poz and this campaign is only going to encourage more discrimination. (from

Oh please… The guy thinks his ability to go out on a date comes before the health of guys who are neg. I wish I could yell and scream directly in his face and tell him what a self-absorbed, pathetic loser he is…

As a neg guy who’s had a poz boyfriend (and stayed by his side until the day he died), let me put this very clearly… Poz guys need to date poz guys – or at least never assume they’re entitled to date neg guys…

If you’re poz and a neg guy decides to date you, great. But in my book it would also be reasonable for him to turn you down simply because your poz. Now, if you’re both neg and one of you becomes poz. Then it depends on the circumstances whether you should break up or stay together. But again, the neg guy always gets to pull that card where he says ‘no’ just because you’re poz. (Though once he knows the facts and commits to you, he should try to stick with you.)

But the bottom line is HIV negative guys have a right to protect their health. If people know their status and stick to other people of the same status HIV, the spread of HIV will slow dramatically.

And this is true for people who use condoms as well those of us who bareback, ’cause condoms aren’t as good as you might think at preventing HIV… It’s still unsafe sex, even if your poz top uses a condom…

Getting cum in your ass

22 August 2005 | 14 Comments

A post on another website made me think of a few times I’ve cum in guys’ asses without them realizing it…

The Virgin

I once fucked a virgin who asked me to use a condom (at first I thought the virgin thing was just a line, but later I realized it was the truth). Anyway, I told him he was so tight a condom would really hurt – that he’d be able to take me more easily if I fucked him raw. It took a bit of convincing, but he went for it at which point he asked me (several times) not to cum in his ass. So, AFTER I started cumming, I pulled out of his ass and shot the rest on his back. He had no clue he got 1/2 my load up his ass and even thanked me the next day for pulling out.

The Thug

A few years ago I was in a bathhouse in LA (Flex) and this hispanic guy came into my room, put a condom on my dick (which he had brought with him) and sat down on my dick. Hot guy actually – by the tattoos and muscles he looked like he was a gang member or something – a very tough exterior, but obviously he was all about getting fucked.

After a while I had him on his stomach (my favorite position), and was getting tired of the condom (I was there to bareback, not fuck guys with rubbers), so I started pulling out between strokes and on one pull out I quickly pulled off the condom. That did it – the extra sensation of barebacking sent me over the edge and I unloaded in his ass.

Not that he was checking, but I did a motion that mimicked taking off a condom, and then threw the condom in the trash. Since I knew I was neg, I didn’t feel all that bad about it since I knew I couldn’t do anything to make him poz (if he wasn’t already).

The odd part was that I saw him about an hour later (long enough that my cum should have started dribbling out of his ass), and he just smiled at me like he’d let me fuck him again if I wanted. I’m not sure whether he knew I came in his ass or not (you’d think he had to know SOMEONE came in his ass). If he did know he was definitely OK with it, but it’s not the reaction you’d expect from someone who carries condoms around with them.

The Guy-Next-Door

The bf and I once fucked a guy who lived in the apartment building next to ours. The bf had us using condoms, and the bottom was a “safe sex” bottom. While I was pounding his ass all of a sudden things felt a hell of a lot better. I was in a groove and didn’t think too much about it, but it felt good enough that I came pretty quickly after that. When I pulled out I realized the condom broke. The guy was sucking the bf’s dick and so he wasn’t aware of what was going on. I went into the bathroom and took off what was left of the rubber and flushed it down the toilet.

When the guy was cleaning up, I asked my bf whether we should say anything. He didn’t think it was necessary, so we didn’t. The next day we got an e-mail asking if a condom had broken ’cause when he got home and took a shit cum came out… I said yes, and he wanted to know whether I was neg. Bottom line he said he liked getting my cum…


Then there were a couple of times I can think of when I came in a couple guys’ asses when I wish I hadn’t… One was with an Asian guy, another time with a Latino, but they went pretty much the same…

My first boyfriend (1990), got me into a habit of doing a few strokes raw and then putting on the condom. If nothing else, it helped get me completely hard before putting the condom on. That’s pretty much how I practiced “safe sex” for the next 6 or 7 years…

Anyway, there were a couple of times when my bf wasn’t interested in the guy we were having over (back when we did a fair number of threesomes), so I’d be left alone with the guy… I’d do my old “safe sex” routine and start with a few raw strokes and then put on the condom. But since I was so starved for bb sex and I loved it so much, on two occasions I managed to cum on like the second or third stroke. The first time it happened, I remember thinking – “Shit – if I pull out now he’ll know I came and that will be really embarrassing since it’s only been a couple of strokes” (sex is supposed to last a little longer than that), so I came in their ass and then pulled out and put on a condom and kept fucking them. Problem is, if you have a hard time getting it up with a condom on, then it’s even worse when you just came, and needless to say it’s impossible to come a 2nd time in those circumstances. So the encounters were pretty much wash outs, but I wasn’t completely embarrassed by having them know I came so quickly.

One of the guys I’ve seen on-line since then when he’s responded to my ad that says I’m looking for guys who like cum in their ass – so I know he didn’t care – if anything he was happy to have my cum in his ass.

The Moral of the Story

If you’re a bottom you WILL get cum in your ass whether it’s from a horny top who doesn’t pull out in time, a purposeful act of “stealth breeding”, a condom breaking, or just a plain ‘ol accident. If staying negative is important to you, all you can do is try to reduce the number of times you get cum in your ass, but there’s no way to completely avoid it without giving up butt sex completely.




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