8 More Years of Bush-Like Policies
29 August 2008 | 12 Comments
I’d like to compliment John McCain on his choice of running mate. He went with 44 y.o. Sarah Palin – the Governor of Alaska. I think it was a brilliant choice and will get insure him the election.
Things are close now and from what I can tell there are plenty of white people in the US who just won’t vote for a black guy as President. Hell, if we have gay guys who can’t understand why Obama is a better choice than McCain, Obama is shit out of luck.
Palin compensates for a lot of McCain’s shortcomings – she’s young, female, and vibrant. All those feminists that wanted a woman in the White House just might vote Republican. Who knew feminists would vote Republican?
To me this is just all really sad. I don’t get why people don’t understand that McCain is just 8 more years like Bush…
Oh well, at least I live in a wonderful liberal bubble called NYC, where even many of the Republicans are liberal (if you can find them).
UPDATE: So after a few days now it looks like Palin would be even less qualified than G.W. Bush to run the country should something happen to McCain (which is completely possible given his age). Apparently she left the little town she was mayor of in financial ruin and her being on the PTA is still consisdered relevant experience by the Republicans.The question will be who is more qualified – Palin or Quale?
So, any thinking person would never elect her to the #2 spot in the free world, but then again after the last two elections where Bush’s incompetance was so obvious, I don’t see the US electorate made up of thinking people anymore… So, all I can say is, if McCain/Palin win, the US derves every minute of misery they’re sure to heap on them – lost jobs, soliders dying in pointless wars, human rights restrictions, etc.
I’m not trying to make you angry….but to suggest that McCain is like Bush means you’ve ignored his 20 odd year history in politics. The guy has consistantly bucked the Republican system and especially your President. Yes, you do live in a wonderful city that was turned around by a Republican administration and that has consistantly choosen republican mavericks (Yes Bloomberg was a dem and is now an independent – but want to bet that he runs for the repubs in the future…) to be their leader. By the way, Palin(even though she is against gay marriage which is unfortunate) had the balls to veto legislation that would have prevented same sex couples from getting state benefits. Name one Democratic governor of a traditional conservative state (and there is a ton of them these days) who has made that decision. The liberal left has used the gay community for years and people like you make excuses for their inaction. You have consistantly gone after the Log Cabin boys – at least they had the balls to speak out against their leader.
I don’t think many feminists will vote for her sine I hear she is strongly Anti-Abortion. Nobleone is right though, she did veto the legislation that would have prevented the state benefits. Both Candidates are against gay marriage and for “Civil Unions” so neither of them are better in this respect.
The reason many gay people might vote for McCain (especially partnered ones) is because of taxes. Gay people are known to hold higher paying jobs, and with double income and no kids, they’re in a higher tax bracket that Obama wants to tax. Obviously anybody who is going to be taxed higher is more likely to vote in the opposite direction. (See why the Manhunt guy donated to McCain? It’d lower taxes on his income.)
You mean a balanced budget when pulling from social security.
If we had real republicans running the show, the governement would be small enough not to need the taxes to cover them. Instead, we have these neo-cons who suck up to the religious right to get elected and then do whatever they hell they want.
Where the Presidential Candidates Stand (Gay Issues)
Employment Non-Discrimination
Obama – Supports ending employment discrimination against the ENTIRE GLBT community
McCain – Cast a deciding vote against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
Don’ Ask Don’t Tell (DADT)
Obama – Opposes the DADT policy
McCain – Believes that GLBT people should not be allowed to serve openly, and supports DADT. He said, “My view is that in the case of the military, the DADT policy was appropriate. And I also believe that – that gays should not be in the military.”
Relationship Recognition
Obama – Supports repeal of Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), Supports civil unions and domestic partnerships, Supports family benefits for same-sex partners of federal employees, Opposes allowing civil marriage for same-sex couples.
McCain – Voted for and supports DOMA, which denies couples federal benefits, Voted against FMA, but campaigned for a state amendment that would have banned civil unions and domestic partnerships, Does not support family benefits for partners of federal employees, Opposes allowing civil marriage for same-sex couples.
Hate Crimes
Obama – Supports inclusive legislation to protect the ENTIRE GLBT community against bias-motivated violence.
McCain – Voted against hate crimes legislation three times.
Obama – Supports Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act (CARE) and co-sponsored the Medicaid Early Treatment for HIV Act (ETHA). Supports comprehensive sex education aimed at preventing disease.
McCain – Has never co-sponsored Ryan White or ETHA, and voted for Jesse Helms strategy to remove funding aimed at protecting the GLBT community from HIV/AIDS. Supports abstinence only education that leaves out GLBT people and is ineffective in combating the spread of HIV.
Obama – Supports allowing adoption by GLBT people
McCain – Opposes adoption by same-sex couples
If you are gay i think this sums up alot. Are we as a community going to support a candidate and party that wants to lead us toward equality or a candidate and party that wants to keep us second class citizens.
Nobleone: I’m not trying to make you angry….but to suggest that McCain is like Bush means you’ve ignored his 20 odd year history in politics.
Anybody who voted 95% of the time with Bush is about as like Bush as one can be. Obviously YOU have ignored the last 8 years.
McCain of 2000 is NOTHING like the McCain of 2008. Complete and total split personality.
If McCain wins, this country is heading to hell in a handbasket.
@Nobleone: I’d like to point out that Palin’s veto of a bill that would deny benefits to same-sex couples was at the end of a long legal fight where her administration and the Alaska Legislature *were* trying to deny those benefits, but the Alaska Supreme Court kept striking such attempts down.
She was just trying to end the costly legal fight, while stating that she believed the bill would have been the moral action. I would hardly call bowing to the Alaska court system ballsy.
Ezra , I don’t think many people here care about the funding of the GLBT community from HIV/AIDS. It doesn’t need to be funded as it’s rather simple to prevent.
Holding certain views doesn’t necessarily qualify anyone for any office. But apparently to many Republicans, that alone is qualification enough. Never underestimate the power of unintelligent people. America will go down because of their ilk. With a little help from delusional Log Cabin people. However, there’s still hope. Now on to barebacking. 🙂
Rawtop, good for you! This is your forum and you can say what you like and support what you like. People forget that being open-minded means understanding the liberal AND conservative point of view (not just being a liberal.) Having a knee-jerk reaction against either means that you are not growing as a person. Having strong views is fine but you should at least be willing to hear the other side in full before stoning them!
Rawtop has admitted both STD incidents AND his political/social beliefs. If that isn’t courageous, I do not know what is. Most people hide these things (and become false in the process.) It’s the fact that Rawtop is authentic that his blog and website have been growing.