Got a 0 gauge ring in my PA this morning!

26 July 2010 | 4 Comments

I’ve been wanting to get up to 0 gauge on my PA for a while now. Years ago I thought I wanted to go to 00 and didn’t realize how much bigger it was than the 2 ga ring I had in (which was actually more like 3 ga) so I had bought the 00 only to realize it completely fills my urethra, so then I reduced my goal to 0 ga. Back then I never could get the 0 ga in, and I stopped wearing the PA for a while there, but this morning I got it back in… It’s considerably heavier than my 2 ga ring. I really like how heavy it is swinging at the end of my dick.

So here it is…

rawTOP's dick with a 0 gauge Prince Albert piercing

If you want to see more pics of my PA, check out the photo album of my Prince Albert on Breeding Zone. You’ll need to be logged in to see the album. Originally I embedded a pic from that gallery in this post, but then I realized you couldn’t see it (oops).