The New Meaning Of “I Want My MTV”

11 March 2009 | 29 Comments

Just saw a story on The Sword that there’s a club drug mix out there now called MTV that combines Meth, Tenofivir (and anti-retroviral) and Viagra that neg barebackers are taking when they spend the night partying and barebacking… Meth to get high, Viagra to stay hard, and Tenofivir as a form of “PrEP”.

In case you don’t know anything about PrEP it’s an offshoot of PEP. PEP is the course of HIV meds that you take after being exposed to HIV. Used sparingly PEP is a good thing (though it’s a bit of a joke if you’re a bottom who regularly takes anonymous loads). PrEP takes that a step further an instead of being post-exposure it’s pre-exposure… If you’re the type of person who takes a lot of risk, you theoretically take HIV meds just like poz guys do so you won’t get HIV.

Let me put this bluntly – while you can make whatever choice you want, personally I think PrEP is a crock of shit and I’d never take it – even if I was a bottom. While the ARVs are far better today than they were 10 years ago, they still can have some serious side effects. It’s possible that the PrEP you take today could have worse long-term impacts than becoming HIV positive.

IMHO, the fewer meds I take the better. In the past I always said if I became poz I wouldn’t take meds until I clearly needed them. Now I’m not sure what I’d do. I might take a mild ARV, but I’d first want to get a sense for what HIV was doing in my body. If I could stay off meds I would – for example if it was clear that the strain I had was particularly mild.

One of my big issues is that doctors are putting people on ARVs immediately after diagnosis. They say it’s because it’s best for the patient, but I really think it’s because the meds stop them the person from spreading HIV. It’s clearly best for the community, but I don’t quite believe them that it’s best for the individual patient. [And yes, this is where my selfish American side comes out. A European would likely have no problem taking meds because it’s in the best interest of the community.]

The other problem with PrEP is that you can build up a resistence to ARVs and when you do become poz your treatment options are less. That’s not a good thing at all.

In the case of guys who take MTV or other forms of unsupervised, recreational PrEP they’re in an even worse position – their intermittent use of ARVs will most definitely create drug resistance problems for them long-term. And the combination of PNP and barebacking means they’ll probably wind up poz at which point the drug resistance will be a problem.

Bottom line – if you PNP leave ARVs out of the mix. In the long run you’re better off not taking ARVs until you need them. If you really want to be on PrEP – see a doctor and do exactly what s/he tells you to do (and be honest with them about your recreational drug use)…

I want my MTV too – the old one that played music videos all day long…