In NYC? Good Verbal/Writing Skills?

22 July 2009 | 6 Comments

Once again I’m needing someone to help out with the porn blog. My boyfriend has been complaining that I haven’t been paying enough attention to my mainstream corporate clients (which are the ones that really pay the bills), so I need to offload more of the porn stuff. Johnny Miles is doing a great job writing for me, but I need someone to do image tagging, ranking and cropping here in NYC.

It’s on-site work (on the A train in upper Manhattan), 1-2 days a week, and the pay is $10/hour. While it sounds hot to get paid to look at porn all day, and you’ll probably get all horned up in the process, it’s really not as fun as you’d think. You’ll literally be going through thousands of images every day and it gets boring pretty quick. You’ll probably get burned out after about 6 hours and need to stop. And just to be clear – this is not a hookup scenario. This is a part-time job.

If you’re interested, e-mail me. Include your resume and give me a summary of your writing experience. It’s not like you have to write eloquently – it’s more about coming up with a wide variety of short descriptive phrases.

The Pope Agrees With Me! Condoms Are The Problem…

17 March 2009 | 8 Comments

Well, it’s official – condoms cause AIDS or at least they “increase the problem” – so says god’s infallible messenger on earth – his holiness, the Pope. This is consistent with prior church teachings such as the pronouncement in 2003 by Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo (who was then head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family) that condoms are not effective in blocking transmission of HIV. Since the Pope is infallible, that settles it and you guys can go on with your barebacking and fuck raw – the way god intended. After all, if god had wanted us to use condoms to fuck, he would have created them, right?

One Giant Leap Forward, Several Steps Backwards

5 November 2008 | 4 Comments

While the election of Barak Obama is a huge leap forward, I just want to remind people that many other things didn’t exactly go our way last night…

  • It looks like we lost on Prop 8 in California (final numbers aren’t in yet). $73 million was spent on that fight. $37.6 million by gay friendly forces and $35.8 million by bigots. That’s a huge loss. Personally, I’m ambivalent about it. While I’m married I’ve never thought forcing someone to recognize your relationship changes anything. They either genuinely recognize it or they don’t. Give it a few years and it will fix itself.
  • Gay marriage lost in Arizona (no surprise).
  • We’re now banned from adopting children in Arkansas.
  • Gay marriage lost in Florida.

So in a way it was a very bad night for gay rights last night (abortion rights didn’t have a very good night either). BUT the silver lining is the Supreme Court judges that Obama will appoint and the fact that anti-gay legislation will have a hard time getting passed on the federal level with the Democrats in charge. In the end we will win, but yesterday was very much a mixed message from a gay point of view.

The funny part is that California used to always be seen as the most gay-friendly part of the US. I think we can say that that’s now changed. New York and New England are doing much better for the gay community. As of yesterday there are now no Republican senators from NY/New England. Massachusetts has gay marriage. Connecticut will have it in a few days, and New York recognizes gay marriages from other states (to a limited extent). That means four of the New York’s immediate neighbors have gay marriage – Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ontario and Quebec.

That said, I was just a little bit surprised with the election results in Manhattan. Last election 86% voted for Kerry. This time 85% voted for Obama. I’m really surprised the percentage went down (even a point) – I was expecting it to go up. Still, 85% makes me proud to call NYC home.

One Very Good Reason Why I’m Gay…

2 November 2008 | 5 Comments

I just can’t deal with vaginas, ergo I’m gay… My first boyfriend told me that they’re a “nice, warm, wet place” to put your dick (he was on the gay side of bi), but I never really even wanted to try it out.

The whole “ecosystem” of the vagina is another reason why they’re not appealing to me. But if you’re like me and find the whole thing sorta “icky”, but want to know more, check out this educational video featuring Amy Sedaris and props by Todd Oldham…

I also can’t deal with breasts, not real keen on long hair, and definitely don’t like femininity in my partner, so there are many reasons why I’m not straight, but vaginas are high on my list. A dick is just so much nicer…

Blog Migration & Update

9 August 2008 | No Comments

UPDATE: I think I’m pretty much done. There are some things I want to tweak, but they shouldn’t affect how things work… Let me know if you encounter any problems.

FYI – I plan on doing some major changes to the blog late tonight. This is just a warning that things may look a bit weird while I’m doing the change.

For those of you who subscribe to the feed… If this message is the last message you see after a day or two (late Sunday, early Monday), then somehow the URL you’re subscribed to is bad and you need to resubscribe. The new feed URL will be: though that will not work until I’ve done the migration. Chances are you won’t have a problem, but if you do – that’s the URL to subscribe to.

In case you’re wondering what’s changing…

  • I’m moving from Blogger to WordPress in terms of what I use to write and publish the blog.
  • The blog will look completely different. The cumhole directory looks the way this blog will look – it’s been my test bed. New logo, dark color scheme, etc.
  • The categories that posts are tagged with will get a major overhaul. For those of you who only want to read about the guys I fuck, you’ll be able to just have that and no commentary. You can bookmark it and there will be an RSS feed for it.

Once that’s done probably middle of the week I’ll migrate the porn blog to the new look and feel (that’s going to be a ton of work). In a week or two I’ll start playing with the forum I want to implement. The cumhole and stories section will be moved there and then I’ll release that and drop/redirect those sections. I hope to have that done by the end of the month.

So things are getting better!

Should I Add A Forum To The Site?

15 July 2008 | 1 Comment

I’ve been thinking about the future of the site… Ways to enhance it and make it better. First comes a redesign… But after that, what should I do?

I was thinking of adding a discussion forum where people could start topics and post comments. If I did it, I’d use the same software that the Just Us Boys Forum is using, so it would have many of the same features. I’m thinking the major sections would be:

  • Breeding and Getting Bred
  • BB Porn Discussion – DVDs and porn sites
  • Regional Sections

So what do you guys think of that idea? Can you see yourself starting discussions and/or posting replies? Or would you just want to read what other people say? Or do you have no interest in it at all?

IF that becomes a reality it could make the cumhole directory pointless since it’s much better to just have a section where guys can post their own listings… Or is there a reason to keep the cumhole directory? Or do you hate the cumhole directory and want to see it go away?

It’ll take a while to get things in place, but I want to know what you guys think would be a good direction to head in…

UPDATE: Well, it looks like you guys want a forum! I’ll get one set up as quickly as I can… I’m hoping we have the critical mass to make it interesting… About 100 of you said you’d participate within the first day, which is a good sign. And slightly more than half say they’ll participate and a third more say they’ll lurk…

As far as the cumhole directory – nearly 2/3rds seem to agree with me and say make it part of the new forum, so that’s what I’ll do… I’ll probably have regional/urban sections and then a section within each of those for cumhole listings. Gangbangs I’m thinking can just go in the main regional discussion section with a special flag identifying it as a gangbang.

Hopefully this will make it easier for you guys to hookup and find other pigs with similar interests… Part Craigslist, part discussion forum…




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