Forget – Try

16 December 2007 | 3 Comments

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know I don’t think much of the new The interface sucks and their customer service is awful

A while back I signed up for, nothing much was happening on it, so I pretty much ignored it. Then I kept getting e-mail alerts saying I had e-mail, so I took a closer look at it – and I gotta say, I like it a lot. While it’s not perfect, it’s well executed technically and in terms of features, and most importantly, it’s now got a critical mass of guys using it. In fact, in terms of registered users, it’s busier than I can actually imagine hooking up off this site – which I never could with In other words, is dead – long live

Take a look at the following two pages and you’ll see how is better than – they’re the pages of online users… First (notice there are 268 registered users online.)…

Online users @

Now here’s the same screen shot from taken at the same time as the one above (notice there are 229 registered users online)…

Online users @

What few profiles you can see “above the fold” the images often aren’t available or are blocked (even if you’re a premium member). That’s not the case with…

It’s also clear that is dominated by ads. I expect they’ll show up on in the not-too-distant future as they’ll need income to keep the site going, but so far it’s ad-free, which is nice… also lists whether the guy takes or gives loads – the new got rid of that feature.

So give a shot. You’ll like it a lot more than…. And when they ask who referred you, say ‘rawTOP’.

Goals for the remainder of the year…

15 December 2007 | 2 Comments

I was looking over the spreadsheet of my fucks for 2006 + 2007… As of this week I’ve gotten more of my cum where it belongs than last year. Last year it was 21 loads in guy’s asses, this year it’s 23 (so far). I’m a little behind on new guys. Last year it was 26 guys I’d never hooked up with before, this year it’s 22 new guys. But in terms of new guys I came inside – it was 14 last year and 13 this year…

So the goal for the rest of the year is to get up to 26 total loads (3 more), and at least get my cum in one more new guy this year (to tie last year). That would mean I got my cum in someone’s ass at least once every two weeks (on average), and over half those were on guys I hadn’t bred before…

You know the whole not cumming thing that I started around Thanksgiving has really helped get my cum where it belongs. Yeah, there was a week or so where I took a breather recently, but when I’m in the mood I just don’t cum when I’m jacking off – I wait until I can get it in someone’s ass… If I keep it up next year I’ll get a lot more ass…

Advice for a young gay teen…

10 December 2007 | 1 Comment

Got an e-mail the other day…

Perhaps you’re not the best person to go to for advice in this, considering I have the feeling you’d have bias for one side, but…

I’m a sexually insatiable individual. I’m gay, and I think I lean towards the submissive bottom side. I would love nothing more than to take a big, warm load inside of my ass. The problem comes in when I mention that I’m in a monogamous relationship (with someone I do indeed care about a lot) that absolutely would not work if I went for an “open” agreement.

But I feel so overcome with sexual desire I feel like a complete perv. I need sex, lots of it, and I’m just not getting it (and due to time constraints, not able to get it with the current BF). I feel like a depraved horn-dog who needs a top to just pound my ass out hard and long till he leaves me dripping with his cum. Or even safely, I don’t care at this point. But I feel like I just can’t go through with it. Advice? Suggestions? Frequent masturbation isn’t helping…

In a later e-mail he said he’s 19, the bf is 20, they were virgins when they met, and they’re both neg (obviously)…

Let me start with Rule #1 – when you’re young you need to experiment. That’s the point of being young and gay… Settling into a monogamous relationship with the first guy you sleep with is so…. lesbian… (only they fight and break up)… I know it feels like true love, but how do you know what you like if you’ve only tried one thing?

The closest thing a twink should have to a relationship is a fuck buddy… Even if it’s another bottom he goes out to sex parties with…

I remember when I first moved to NYC. I went out with this older Cuban guy who was really sweet. I still think about him… But it just didn’t feel right – so I broke it off with him. He would have been a great boyfriend – bent over backwards to please me, and he was a really great guy… But I knew I needed more…

And looking back on it even though I knew I shouldn’t get in a long-term relationship I was pretty inhibited and didn’t get nearly enough sex. If I had it to do all over again I would do things very differently… I grew up in a conservative Christian family. My exposure to out gay people was in the form of them picketing the church services I went to (it literally happened – my parents were fond of one of the major teleevangelists of the ’70s/80s). When I came out I remember trying to figure out how much risk I was taking having sex. It was the late 80s and I figured as soon as you had much of any gay sex you’d get HIV and die.

The fear of HIV played a big part in my sex life. Perhaps it was a healthy fear since back then things were pretty primitive and if you became poz things looked pretty bad – a lot worse than they do now… When I came to NY I knew there were some j/o clubs where the floor was slick with cum. It was a scene I just didn’t want to get into – and I should have gotten into it. Most of the guys were pretty safe back then. Later when the Limelight reopened (a gay club in an old Episcopalian church) it was the first club to bring back the dark room. I used to spend hours in there. Guys would blow me for ages (I pretty much can’t cum from a blow job), and I’d get myself covered in other guys’ cum. It was hot and sweaty and when I guy would cum on me I’d wipe it all over my body… It was a wonderful thing.

So I had some of it, but there was so much more to be had. I went home most nights having done absolutely nothing. I was pretty shy and didn’t take risks socially when I went out. Big mistake. And if I wasn’t taking risks socially, I wasn’t taking much of any sexually either. Yeah, I did escorting, and a few other things, but I really regret not diving into things full force. Not being more assertive in picking guys up – I mean it was NYC – I probably wouldn’t ever see the guys again if I made an ass of myself, but I never took the risks. Never even went to the really raunchy sex club (wish I could remember the name of it)…

So the kid who contacted me (and others like him)… Get into the scene… Not so deeply that you become a meth addict or anything, but get out there, take risks and try things. Get past your inhibitions and really enjoy your sex life. You describe yourself as a “complete perv” who needs lots of sex… You know what you need – so go out and get it…

And don’t do what I did – I’d have a little fun and then find someone and wind up in a monogamous relationship. One became sexless, another was anything but sexless, but looking back I need more than one guy to fuck, and the latest one became sexless pretty quick and took a while to work it into the open relationship is is now… All those relationships really got in the way of the sex life I should have had – and I shouldn’t have let that happen… Very frankly, I wasted a lot of prime sexual years not having sex… I’m pretty happy with my current relationship, but I should have been honest about things and gotten it to be open a lot sooner…

If you get in a relationship do it with a top who likes to see you get fucked by other guys – someone who will pimp out your ass and keep things interesting for you. But one way or the other your current boyfriend isn’t good for anything but a platonic friend… He’s not what you should have right now. Trust me, been there, done that…

I’m now "over the hill"…

8 December 2007 | 2 Comments

Well, I turned 40 today… Guess it’s a big milestone… I’m not all that freaked out about it, but I do wish I could fuck some young ass… Would be cool to fuck someone 1/2 my age (or younger – age of consent here in NY is 17)… Of course, most teens either want someone their own age or haven’t discovered the joys of being a total cumhole…

What I need is a submissive kid with a daddy fetish… Growing into the whole “daddy” role is why turning 40 isn’t really scary, but more like closing one chapter in my life and staring another…

There is one teen who contacted me the other day with a question. I need to post an answer to his question which will explain a lot about how I view the last 20 years of my sex life… He says he’s not my type, but maybe I should fuck him to get my dick in some young ass…

I’m SO over

30 November 2007 | 6 Comments

The new sucks, and on top of it, the webmaster seems to be either stupid, rude or both…

I tried to cancel my silver membership which I had ’cause I liked to look at the pics (which is now frustrating since most of the interesting thumbnails just show up as XXX), and this is what I got in response…

Dear Member,

You need to call CCbill or Segpay whoever you signed up with and have them cancel your membership.



What the hell? “Whoever you signed up with”? Don’t they know?

So guess what I’m going to do? I’m going to just contest the last month or two of membership. I can’t be the only one out there who thinks the new site sucks and I can’t be the only one having a problem canceling my membership, so I can’t be the only one who’s going to contest the charges on my credit card. They’re going to have a huge rash of chargebacks, their credit card processor won’t like them, and will drop them and they’ll have a cash flow problem.

Plus, that level of customer service is just horrid.

Oh yeah… The my account section was showing that I had 60,000 plus profile views but I wasn’t showing showing up in their most popular profiles section like I used to. I could tell they had migrated the data, but it looked like they may not have migrated it for everyone and even those of us who did get migrated weren’t working right because we weren’t showing up in the most popular list. So I asked about it and they responded…

Dear Member,

According to our records your profile has been searched for 73 times.



The webmaster must be clueless. My account was showing 60,000 plus when I wrote it, then a few days later it looked like they must have set everyone back to zero and then instead of saying something like “yeah, we had a problem with migrating that data – we had to dump it and start over, sorry…” I get what sounds like a form letter with no recognition of the issue…

God knows what’s up with them, but the site sucks and I’m done with it. My money is better spent on Manhunt where I actually get guys to fuck…

My Sex Life Sucks, And It’s All My Fault…

21 November 2007 | 2 Comments

Went rummaging around the chest that has all my sex toys the other night (looking for a video tape I made of a pump-and-dump I did a few years ago)… Gotta sling in there that’s gotten very little use. A rod for sounding (sticking a metal rod up your dick into your bladder – something I tried once or twice before realizing it wasn’t for me). Lots of restraints, cock rings, hoods, CBT toys, you name it… And it’s all gotten very little use…

You see I was getting into S/M and bondage before I met my boyfriend 10 years ago (we just had our 10 year anniversary this past Sunday), but he’s a lot more vanilla than I am. So for him I pretty much gave up everything related to S/M… Let’s just say I still think he’s as special as I did when I first met him and I’m glad I stayed with him even though that meant giving up S/M, but I do wish he were more into it…

And things are different than they were 10 years ago. Back then I couldn’t have sex with other guys, now I can. I guess I got in a rut and got used to quick encounters with anonymous bottoms. I mean, I like that – it’s hot and definitely gets me going, but I need more diversity in my sex life… I need to get back into S/M… S/M is where I learned that sex doesn’t have to be about tenderness or love – it can be about power and control as well…

The other thing I need to have a handle over is how just being busy can interfere with my sex life. I get so wrapped up in every day life it’s easier to just look at some porn and jack off than take the time and risk to fuck someone and possibly have a bad hookup. But my cum belongs in guys asses…

So we’ll see… In addition to having my 10 year anniversary, my 40th birthday is coming up in a couple weeks… It’s time to work a little harder to make my sex life a little more interesting…




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