If You Like Me As A Bear, You May Be Disappointed…

26 August 2012 | 13 Comments

I’ve been slowly losing weight this year. I maxed out around 253 lbs – a weight which I hit and held a number of times before going down. But more typically my weight would fluctuate around 248 – stayed around that weight for a probably a couple years.

If you read this you’ll know I’m not really into bears, which means I didn’t really like my own body. And honestly, I remember what it used to be like to have a thin body with some muscle definition. That pic is way old, but I was in even better shape in 1997 when went from 236 down to about 180. You just feel more alive when you’re thin. You’re not carrying around so much.

I mean I like to fuck bottoms when they’re on their bellies, but one of the reasons why I cum so quickly (or don’t come at all) is because it’s an incredible amount of work to support 200+ pounds in the air above the bottom while you fuck. That wears me out pretty quickly. I’ll just be a better top if I’m thinner.

Well, I didn’t think much of it, but for some reason my body decided early this year to start loosing weight. I won’t even claim credit for it, and at first I didn’t think much of it. But instead of hovering around 248, I was hovering a few pounds lower, then another few pounds lower. I always figured it would just go back up – but it didn’t. I didn’t really change much of anything in my diet or anything – other than I wasn’t eating because I was bored or nervous – which I used to do a lot.

When I got into the 230s I started taking the weight loss seriously and I’d consciously eat less to the point of being hungry at times. Every now an then I’d hit 229, but I was finally hovering/plateauing around 231. A week ago I got a couple 229 readings, so I knew I was entering the 220s.

Then I got sick with viral gastroenteritis – ran a high fever for a few days, couldn’t think about eating much of anything ’cause I had diarrhea that even Immodium couldn’t control sometimes. I’m on day #6 of that and slowly returning to the land of the living.

My weight the last few days has been in 225 or below. Today it was actually 221.4. I know a lot of that is water weight and may come back, but I’m guessing with all the fever and not eating much I probably lost an honest 2 pounds this week since you need a 3500 calorie deficit to loose a pound of fat – and when you do the math you just can’t physically loose 8 pounds of fat in a week (unless you do liposuction).

My goal is to loose 60-75 pounds. So far I’ve lost about 25 of that – so I’m well on my way. If you liked me as a bear, I’m sorry to disappoint, but in future videos I’m going to be getting thinner and thinner (insh’Allah).

If you’re wondering what I’ll look like when I’m thinner… Here are some body shots of me from +/- 10 years ago when I was around 190 – I think I can get to something pretty close to this…

on a boat naked with a hardon

sail naked 2001

cock & body

So there you have it – what I’m shooting for… Let’s say I regain the water weight and go up to 227 at some point this week. That means about 35 pounds to go. At 3-4 pounds a month – so hopefully I’ll be there early next summer. It’s a long process, but the end result is a hell of a lot better than the fat slob I had let myself become. I know some of you liked that fat slob – apologies… But with any luck he’ll be going away and won’t be back.

Any Of You Have Experience With Ball Stretchers?

4 August 2012 | 3 Comments

leather & sand ball stretcher and Prince AlbertNow that the stress of renovations is over I’m starting to relax and get back in the groove. Sex is less mechanical and I’m experimenting a bit more. I’ve got the big 0 gauge ring back in my PA, and this morning I put my old ball stretcher back on my scrotum…

I’d sorta like to have nice low-hanging balls… I got the ball stretcher YEARS ago used it a little back then and then just put it away and didn’t use it.

So I’m wondering if any of you have experience with stretching your ball sack?

For starters can the stretching be permanent or semi-permanent or do you shrink back to where you were over time?

How long does it take to stretch your balls to a point where they hang lower without the stretcher on them?

Do you have to be rather extreme with the stretching (parachute stretchers with heavy weights), or will a ball stretcher like the one in the pic do the trick over time?

Actually, when I get my sling set up I should get a parachute ball stretcher and fuck with weights on my balls… Standing and fucking a guy in a sling would be perfect for that sort of stretcher.

Actually there’s a funny story about that ball stretcher… I took it on vacation with me to Puerto Rico years ago. When I was coming back they saw it as a suspicious dark spot when they XRay’d my bag. A rather cute Puerto Rican agent dug around, found it, and examined it carefully. When he couldn’t figure it out he asked what was inside it. I said “sand”. He examined it a bit more, and finally said “What’s it for?” I smiled and said “You don’t want to know”. He put it down faster than a hot potato and told me to have a nice trip.

So if any of you have advice on ball stretching, please put it as a comment below. It’ll be much appreciated.

One last thing – think Abercrombie might have an ad like that (notice that my boxers are Abercrombie)… They do push the envelope… Would be cool if they’d push it that far… 😉

Success! I Got The 0 ga Ring In My PA

2 August 2012 | 4 Comments

Just a follow up from yesterday’s blog post… I finally got the 0 gauge ring in my PA…

0 gauge ring in Prince Albert peircing

It’s gonna be tender for a few days, but I can’t wait to fuck with it…

I’ll take some better pics another time – that one was just shot immediately after I got the ring in.

Which Is More Dangerous?

1 August 2012 | No Comments

I saw this picture on Facebook tonight and it made me think…

riding a motorcycle in underwear

Which do you think is more dangerous? Riding a powerful motorcycle in your underwear or getting poz cum in your ass?

One thing is for sure – while both are dangerous, they’re both incredibly hot! I mean that pic is incredible. But honestly, they call them “murdercycles” for a reason.

Stretching My PA To Get 0 Gauge Ring In

1 August 2012 | 9 Comments

The last few weeks I’ve been trying to get my zero gauge ring back in my Prince Albert. I had had a rink out of the piercing for months and the hole closed up a bit over that time, so now this is what I have to do on a daily basis to get the hole to open back up…

Prince Alber piercing with stretching taper

So basically that’s a tapered rod that you lube up stick through the piercing and push gently but firmly to stretch the piercing. Here’s another view…

stretching taper in prince albert piercing

I’m hoping I’ll be successful in the next few days.

Here’s what the zero gauge ring looks like when it’s in. Looks like I last had it in back in 2010…

0 gauge Prince Albert in soft dick

What I love about it is the weight – you feel it hitting your leg as you walk down the street – which in turn makes me a bit hard sometimes. It constantly makes me think about my dick 🙂

And here it is when I’m hard…

big 0 gauge ring in Prince Albert piercing in hard cock

Now just imagine that going into a bottom’s ass and how it can tear up his hole a little if I rough fuck him with it.

It’s official, I’m still neg…

15 July 2012 | 5 Comments

I know some of  you don’t believe it when I say I’m neg, especially since I’m not genetically immune or resistant to HIV, but once again I tested neg yesterday…

hiv neg test result

I had been meaning to go get tested for a while. It felt like my last test was ages ago and when looked it up, it was last March. I usually try to get tested at least every 12 months – but life’s been busy lately. My bf was overdue for his test as well, so we went together. We actually tried to Callen-Lorde’s free drop in Saturday STD clinic two weeks ago, but by the time we got there all the testing slots were filled. So this week we got there “early” (45 minutes after they started) and even with getting there fairly early we took the last two HIV test slots – if we had come any later we wouldn’t have been able to get tested. So if you’re thinking of going, be there when they open their doors…

I got tested for all the other STDs as well. Will find out the results for those within a week.

Now if my finger would just stop hurting from where she drew blood…




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